Monday, March 21, 2011

Starbucks 40th Anniversary Card - #4 Singapore

Singapore Starbucks released the special edition 40th Anniversary card in Singapore on 15th March.
Was expecting it to be released on the actual 40th Anniversary itself, but apparently there was some technical issue causing the delay.

Anyway, there is no sleeve for the card at this moment. Heard from the bearista that the sleeve is still printing and will be released this week. Let wait and see whether this is true.

Attached photos is the front and back of the card and also a copy of the advertising card.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cocoa Cappuccino

Try the two variation of the new Cocoa Cappucino and prefer the hot version better.

The hot version taste exactly like the cappucino with the extra taste of cocoa, while the cold version was horrible - taste so watery.  Starbucks should have try to introduce it in the Frappuccino version.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Logo Launch With New Drink

As mention yesterday, today is indeed the official lauch of the new Starbucks logo on their 40th year.

Here in Singapore, there is no celebration compare to some country like Taiwan. Hopefully there will be some celebration later on. The new card for the new logo is also not launch yet and the Pike Place card is still available.

A new drink is launch - Cocoa Cappuccino available either hot or cold. Will give it a try, the next trip I go down to Starbucks.

Monday, March 7, 2011

New Starbucks Logo To be Launched On 8th March?

Starbucks Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand & Taiwan announced today in their facebook page of fun thing happening tomorrow. This left fans guessing of what is going to happen on their page.

Taiwan somehow let the cat out of the bag by mentioning that the new logo will be launch and there will be free coffee, snack and even notebook at certain of their outlet.

Wonder what Sinagpore and Malaysia will be giving out?

Stay tune till tomorrow.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Starbucks 40th Anniversary Card - #4

It been a month since Chinese New Year and Valentine Day pass by, there is still no new stuff released by Starbucks Singapore. What is available is only the city collector mugs and tumblers and a few remainder of the Valentine bearista bear.

Just heard from one of the bearista here that they will be coming out with the 4th cards in a couple of week. It will be for the 40th anniversary of Starbucks. Should be similar to the one that was just launch in US. (Attached photo is the card launch in US found on Ebay)

There is no mention of other products being released for the anniversary.

Anyway, will announce once more info is available.

USA Version